Friday, February 27, 2015

Five-Minute Friday: Visit

Sometimes I wish we could visit over a cup of coffee.  Or tea.  I'd totally buy your drink.  Or fluff up the pillows on my couch.  I could make some of that fancy Teavana tea I just bought.  Or I'd love to make you some organic French-pressed coffee, and I always have biscotti. 

I'd ask you how life is.  Busy I know.  We'd talk about every day things like work or school; about the kids or grandkids.  I'd tell you how much I miss running.  We'd talk about your latest Pinterest project and I'd show you the cute fuzzy wreath I made.  Yeah, I know Christmas is over, but you know ... life ... I'm a little behind on stuff!

You would probably ask me how Celine is and if she is ready for the baby.  I'd tell you that she is doing great - just moving a little more slowly and anxious to meet Jaxson.

If you ask me how I am doing I would tell you that I am a mixture of emotions.  Excited to hold and kiss my grandson.  Anxious about being her labor coach.  It will be hard to see her in pain.  I am preparing myself for the next phase:  making sure Celine stays on top of her schooling and supporting her as she navigates motherhood.  You may be sorry you asked because I may go on about how I am feeling tired and frumpy.  This momma needs a long run and a haircut.   

Enough about me.  I want to know how your "thing" is going.  You know the one.  That big decision or the last appointment.  The big test or the potty training.  The vacation or the planning for the big event.  There's so much to catch up on!

We could talk about Downton Abby, since that's about the only show I'm caught up on.  I'd tell you that the dress is white and gold and we'd laugh a lot, I know. 

The time would pass much too quickly and we would promise to not let so much time pass between visits.  I'd be sorry to see you go but I'd be smiling because it's always so nice to visit with you!

- Liv

This post is part of a link up over here.


  1. This makes me want to visit with you and just have a big chinwag. Lovely post! Visiting from FMF. Have a great weekend Liv!

  2. "Chinwag" I love it! Don't know where I've been, but haven't heard that one! I bet it would be lovely having a chinwag with you! Thanks for stopping by!


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