Friday, April 25, 2014

Five-Minute Friday: Friend

She laughs with me.  And when my heart is broken she wraps her arms around me tight and cries with me.  She listens.  She prays. 

We meet for a quick cup of coffee, but it easily turns into three hours.  We share dessert, thoughts, books, good morning texts. 

She sees my quirks and loves me anyway.  She sees my strengths and reminds me of them when I forget.  She encourages me to keep going and cautions me to slow down when I get carried away.

She's the first one I think to call when I have good news.  When I have bad news.  When I just want to talk about nothing and everything.

She is beautiful.  She is a gift.  She is my friend.

Five-Minute Friday how I have missed you!  I am linking up with other writers at for five minutes of writing where we have permission to make mistakes and to be ourselves! 


  1. I have friends like that! Those are the best. Or the ones you don't talk to for months and then can talk to for hours and hours on end! Your blog is really cute! Thanks for posting on FMF, I love it there, too!

    1. Yes, exactly! Thanks so much, Dorothy! I enjoyed your FMF post also!

  2. This reminds me of my sister! So great to have a friend like that.

    1. What would life be like without sisters?? I'm so grateful for mine!

  3. Hi Five minute Friday neighbour! Thank you for sharing your heart on this post - may Father keep strengthening your friendships! Friendships are blessed when they are so beautiful. Blessings! Aliyah

  4. Love it! I love my 5 sisters.


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