Things have been kinda crazy around here, so I haven't done much writing, but I wanted to pop in and say "Hey" and also:
"Why," you ask?
First of all, because apparently they let anyone have a blog these days. It is giving me the opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do: be a writer. Of course I'm not a real writer. Just like I'm not a real runner. But these are things I love and I'm having a whole lot of fun turning into those things. And how else do you turn into a real anything, except by doing what real writers and runners and artists and dancers and whatever it is you want to become, do?
The other reason I am thankful is because of you. I think about you and what I want to say to you a lot. And even though I haven't become real yet, you come back to read what I have to say. It's quite puzzling and surprising and wonderful. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words. I don't think you realize how much you make me smile.
Love, Liv
You have a beautiful heart! Blessings to you this week!!