It has been a difficult season and I haven't always handled it the best. I would like to be a woman who wears her circumstances well, but there have been days I have snapped at my family or had a melt down over something small. Stress has ached across my shoulders and too many times I have focused on my own lack of strength and despaired because of my inadequacy. But then there are those moments when God lifts my chin and lovingly reminds me that He is my strength and He is carrying me. He reminds me to watch as He works everything out.
I am grateful because my mom has received an amazing gift. Because I have a loving husband who rubs the ache in my shoulders. Because I have four siblings who are my best friends. Because I have incredible friends who love, pray and offer their support. Because God is in control and His grace is sufficient. I don't have to have it all together. What a relief!
Bad days will come and go. They are the exception, not the rule. Better days are coming. There will be more gifts. More joy. No matter the circumstances there is one constant: God and His goodness.
I know it's Saturday, but that's what I love about Five-Minute Friday! It's all about just writing raw. The ladies who write over at FMF don't care about mistakes or if it's a day late!